IP-COM AC1200 Enterprise Mesh Wi-Fi System Access Point 3 pz
  • IP-COM AC1200 Enterprise Mesh Wi-Fi System Access Point 3 pz

IP-COM AC1200 Enterprise Mesh Wi-Fi System Access Point 3 pz

250,51 €
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Codice EAN
AC1200 Enterprise Mesh Wi-Fi System is a wiring-free solution that is special designed for office, restaurant, hotel and other places of WLAN. It adopts new True Mesh technology,using 1167 Mbps dual band. Hardware optimization and built-in antennas optimization technology makes outstanding performance. Unique mesh technology makes a revolution to the installation of the wireless project which avoid wiring and manpower. True Mesh IP-COM EW9+EP9 products apply True Mesh technology, the devices can fulfill plug and play, self-discovery, self-configutation and self-networking. Free your wire, free your hands. 1200M 11AC Wave 2 Wi-Fi Using 802.11 ac Wave 2 MU (MIMO) technology, faster your surfing experence and strongly improve the capacity. Omni Antenna Design IP-COM Mesh wifi products use innovative signal design, built-in antennas combine with beam forming technology, focus signal on the user's location, greatly improved the quality of the wireless coverage. Seamless Roaming Mesh network supports seamless roaming, when wireless users roaming among multiple nodes, the system can maintain the user`s IP address information and keep the certification status, user roaming from node A to node B rapidly, roaming speed < 50 ms, the users can feeling nothing in the surfing experience . APP Management IP-COM mesh products support APP cloud management, the management and maintenance of devices can be realized through mobile APP. By using ip-com cloud account login, the APP can be managed and maintained remotely. Smart Bandwidth Management With the intelligent bandwidth management technology (QoS), the device will adjust the bandwidth intelligently according to the utilization rate of the bandwidth and the network application. Dual WAN capacity All gigabit network port design, provides 2 WAN\LAN turntable ports and 2 fixed LAN ports, it can flexibly match the number of network ports according to the actual network demand and meet the actual application network demand. In dual WAN network, WAN port bandwidth will be automatically superimposed and load balanced. Captive Portal Built-in multiple authentication management systems, authentication based on Portal, can completely solve the problem of traditional wireless password sharing by WiFi sharing software, network being rubbed, and internal network data being stolen. One key authentication: authentication based on Portal, customizable Portal push page, users don`t need account and password to access to the Internet. WEB Account password authentication: based on Portal authentication, the Portal push page can be customized, and users need to verify account and password to access to the Internet. SMS authentication: based on Portal authentication, the Portal push page can be customized. Users need to enter their mobile phone number and pass the authentication before they can access the Internet. Diversity Founction Mount Bracket Combined with easy mounting bracket and fittings, four installation modes can be realized: wall mount/ceiling mount/pole mount/desk mount.

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