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Codice EAN
11106-67-BNc7 Custom-voiced by Jeff Loomis and inspired by high-output passive humbuckers, the Jeff Loomis Signature Blackouts high-output active pickups deliver the clarity, attack, sustain, and body that he needs, with a big and versatile dynamic range. Jeff Loomis knows what he wants to hear from his guitar, whether playing solo or as a member of iconic metal bands such as Arch Enemy and Conquering Dystopia. When he set out to design his signature Blackouts set, Jeff wanted pickups that would remain clear under heavy distortion, with a strong pick attack to maintain definition when he plays fast, and with enough sustain and dynamics to keep up with his virtuoso legato and sweep-picking techniques. The Jeff Loomis Blackouts are inspired by the voicing of high-output passive humbuckers, but with the output, headroom, and low noise of actives. Jeff’s active Blackouts set is designed to sound more organic and dynamic than most active humbuckers. Jeff’s active Blackouts set is designed to sound more organic and dynamic than most active humbuckers. His bridge humbucker is a high-output pickup made with an Alnico 5 bar magnet. It keeps power chords sounding big and powerful and has a pronounced midrange response with a strong pick attack for tracking fast playing. His neck pickup employs Alnico 5 rod magnets to further enhance the response to picking and legato techniques, with a slight bump in the treble frequencies and a focused bass response to keep lower notes from sounding too boomy. Available for 6-string, or for 7-string in a passive mount architecture with black brushed nickel covers or in an active mount soapbar housing.
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