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Codice EAN
11102-83-B Not many high-output passive humbucker pickups are capable of the massive metal tone of Dimebag Darrell. Dime wanted it all: beef, crunch, edge, and balls, with biting treble and punchy bass, but an overall smoothness. Enter the Dimebucker. Crunchy pick attack, scooped mids, and just the right amount of saturation is what the Dimebucker bridge pickup is all about. Dime wanted his signature humbucker to have a thick crunch that sags just a little when you really lay into it. Combine that with a full, tight, low-end response, a ceramic magnet with dual stainless-steel blades, and you have the Dimebucker. Huge and straight from the brain of the late, great Darrell Abbot. In a 2004 interview Dimebag described the tone of the Dimebucker, “It’s very saturated—not to the point where its overly fuzzy, but it has a smooth and crunchy distortion tone. It will give you some extra gain, but it won’t go so far that your sound breaks up and is going crazy. You get that warm tone with the distortion mixed in and it has the low end that’s kicking you in the butt while the top end is cutting your face off in the right way, but not ripping your face off. If you ever listen to a Pantera record, that’s what you’ll hear through this pickup.” Combine with a ’59 Model bridge pickup in the neck position for the setup that Darrell himself used, or get our Dimebag Set for neck and bridge. Hand built in Santa Barbara, CA, the Dimebucker uses a ceramic bar magnet, dual stainless-steel blades, 4-conductor lead wire for multiple wiring options, and is vacuum wax potted for squeal-free performance.
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